Powerpal Home Assistant Integration - made some progress, as the build errors I were running into were happening to others and a fix was found, but I’m now stuck further along… More banging my head against the brick-wall is required I think.

Prusa MK3S+ OctoPrint / HyperPixel Mod - I have set up OctoPrint and gotten the HyperPixel touchscreen working properly with it on the Raspberry Pi. Finished printing the parts, I carefully installed the HyperPixel into the new front panel only to find the I2C chip on the back of it now had loose pins… Resoldered those today, all happy again… See picture below. Now just waiting on a couple of last little parts, then will have to swap things out, test, and hopefully everything will be good :)

Store front door E Ink display: Finally got the shipping notification for the E Ink display, it has been on back order for 6 weeks or so! Looking forward to that arriving in the next few days. The current ethernet run I had that goes almost to the front door seems to have a faulty pair, so will try redoing the RJ45 connectors and run another cable if that still doesn’t sort it. Then I have to fit everything in the frame I have, and then just figure out the software side of things (Draw-the-rest-of-the-freaking-owl vibes right there). Currently listening: Wipeout: 1997 Liquid D’n’B Mix