Today I bought an IKEA Vindstyrka, which is a $59 AUD air sensor that works with Home Assistant through a Zigbee connection. It exposes the temperature, humidity, and PM 2.5 count, but not by default the TVOC measurement. Someone has gotten that to work via a Python add-on script, apparently.

It is powered via a USB-C port on the back, and being mains-powered acts as a Zigbee repeater, which is handy. It comes with a USB-A to USB-C cable, but no mains power adapter.

Overall this unit feels fairly well-built, however (annoyingly!) there’s a tiny fan inside, so won’t be replacing the Eve Room on my bedside table.

At a glance, at least 2 of the 10 or so reviews on the IKEA website mention Home Assistant - I dare say this stuff still isn’t really for normal people…

Currently listening: Pressure Drop / Tipper - “Creative Trip Hop”