Only a couple of days out from that time of year again, this WWDC looks to be all about Apple adding AI to their various OSs… Not sure how I feel about that, hopefully the rumours that it will be opt-in are accurate… Apparently iOS will gain even more customisation options. Looking forward to some other nice surprises! Follow along with Basic Apple Guy’s Bingo card! :)

So, I have a Davis Vantage Vue weather station in my back yard that wirelessly talks to a WeatherLink Live, which in turn talks to a server on the internet to keep all the historical weather data since I first set it up.

I’ve had that WeatherLink Live base station unit powered by an older Apple 5W USB power adapter that I had spare, running fine for years, then the last couple of days it had been increasingly flakey and finally gave up the ghost yesterday… I initially thought it was the unit itself - they cost around $400 AUD, so that would have been some bad news! However, I used an inline USB power tester I have, which showed the power adapter was cycling on and off… Swapped it out for another 5W adapter I had spare, back up and running, thank goodness!

Also, I recently got a Cisco SPA 303 VoIP phone which I have started playing around with… More of an update when and if I have something interesting to report.

Currently listening: Softboy7 - “Spacebreaks (Glitchbreak \ Breakcore \ DnB)"