This week I set up my ADS-B tracker again, I was previously uploading to Plane.Watch, but I had repeatedly run into software issues for some reason. It ended up being easier to wipe the Raspberry Pi I use, and begin again, this time uploading to AirNav RadarBox’s system. The one downside is there is no local webpage to see an overview map, but they have one on their server showing just the signals I am receiving.
In short, ADS-B is a system whereby aeroplanes/helicopters broadcast their location (not just commercial, military and police, etc). It is not encrypted, so an antenna, a TV tuner USB stick, and a Raspberry Pi running the appropriate software is enough to “see” all the air traffic in your neighbourhood - the distance does depend on a few factors, but my setup can pick up aircraft from 250 kms away!
To me, this is an interesting intersection of radio, aircraft, and playing with single-board computers, so scratches a few itches :)

Currently listening: TheJunglist76 - “1996 mix. Oldskool Jungle - DnB. Vinyl Only."