Following along with the Branchus Creations review video, I set up the WiFi DaynaPORT Ethernet emulation with my recently arrived ZuluSCSI Pico Slim, so as to get my Colour SE/30 connected to the world…
This is just an interim solution, as I am working on having wired ethernet - the issue I’ve run into is all the SE/30 ethernet cards I have are expecting to be the sole card, and don’t seem to make allowances for changing ID. This means they conflict with the video card when I use the double adapter I soldered together recently… Still working on that one.
But for now, I have connectivity! Here is Frogfind in all its Netscape version 1.1 glory :)

Currently listening: 4AM Breaks - “Planetary Drift Vol 02 - Atmospheric Drum N' Bass Compilation (2024)"