Disk Jockey is a highly useful tool when dealing with vintage machines, as a lot of the drive/disk formats used back in the day are no longer supported on newer hardware or operating system versions, creating additional hurdles to moving data back and forth… This app allows access to many of the formats simply by dragging and dropping the drive image, which can then be browsed, and files/folders exported. Another handy feature is being able to generate new, arbitrarily sized blank images for use with BlueSCSI/ZuluSCSI devices.
There is a Windows version, a command-line macOS tool, and even a meet-you-halfway version that runs on versions of Mac OS X 10.4 through to Sierra (so no-one is left out on the fun) called Disk Jockey 1999 - the site has beautifully era-appropriate web design - what’s not to love? :)

Currently listening: Peshay - “Studio Set (1996) - HQ Remix” - Thank you “NoZra”, for putting up a HQ version of this classic :)