I’ve used iTunes since the very first version, in fact I used SoundJam MP before that, so I’ve been a user before it was even iTunes. I’ve gone through every version since, across Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, macOS, the change to “Music”… the whole shebang! Today, I’ve started the move over to Plex/Plexamp… Time will tell if it is a temporary thing, and I will certainly not be getting rid of my Apple Music subscription, as my family uses it, but I just couldn’t deal with sheer amount of issues I have been running into with Music of late. Search bugs, tracks having to be deleted and re-added, interface changes I can’t stand. I’ve tried starting from scratch, and the same issues crop up.

Now, I had already switched over my library of Movies and TV Shows to Plex about three years ago, so I already have the infrastructure ready in that regard, so that means I’m dumping across all of the compatible files and trying things out…

I will most likely also take the opportunity to re-rip my CD collection in a lossless format as well whilst I’m at it.

Currently listening: Vibe Chemistry - “Living Like This”
